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Guia Gomez

Hi again Brian, this is simply to say that I am not the owner of G-liner. I wish that I were.I am glad about your positivism movement by the way. I am a Gomez, Brian, not an Ejercito even if my son is. I don't know who Shekky is too.I also do not think that as you claim there, ABS-CBN is "crazy" about me. Need I say more ?
Replied on: 11:07am 01-24-2009
Emilio Aguinaldo
This site is nothing else but completely ONE SIDED. The readers of this blog are what you would call "band-wagon" fans. For God's sake people stop letting somebody with a personal vendetta against ONE FILIPINO dictate what must be done to our entire country. It spells terror for us all, turning Pinoy against Pinoy alike. Further look at the direction this blog has been taking would make you realize that this blog has become more than a quest for the return of stolen money. Of course, this post may never see the light of day, because thats just the SINGLE MINDED point of view that this blog advocates. Hows that for ADVOCACY?! Mr. Gorrell, with all due respect, if you truly care about our country, then SHUT THIS BLOG DOWN
Replied on: 1:07am 01-24-2009
Really Emilio?

You underestimate my readership.
[email protected]
Nothing has happened to your advocacy....

People are smirking at you
Replied on: 10:45pm 01-22-2009
Let them smirk.

Hey Mr. Gorrell, I like the fact that you still love our country and I hope people like the so called spoiled brats Gucci Gang burn in hell (LOL).. So much for the justice right, rich people can get away with anything, clearly it's not for everybody ... .. IT'S TOO BAD THAT WE CAN STILL SEE TIM YAP AND HIS COHORTS HERE.. ahh the joys of ignorance.. Anyway Sir I really admire your courage and wishing that there will come a day that you would get the justice you deserve and a cure for people who are afflicted with HIV. Me and my friends love you and have our support. God Bless you always.
Replied on: 10:45pm 01-22-2009
Wow, My eyes are watering.
Thank you for your sweet words and thank you for your HIV comment. Touching for all those who will read it.
I love you and your friends too.
Hi Bri! How are you? Remember always that we're here for you in your quest for truth and justice.

Have you read Celine's published book 'From Coffee to Cocktails'? The articles of her Phil Star column were compiled to make a book. I can say I really like some of her articles but when I learned she has a ghost writer, I felt really bad, not to mention her drug addiction.

I suggest though, she publishes a new book. She can write it by herself based on experience. And the title? 'From Coffee to Cocaine.'

What do you think?
Replied on: 11:30am 01-21-2009
I love every word you wrote!
Coffee to Cocaine.

divine anorico
hi! Sir.. Good day. ahm... I just wanna ask if you had an idea about Prostitution? ahm.. because we had a research about that topic... our main topic was all about Male Prostitution.. i just wanna know if you could help me on our research?

do you know somethings about our topic?
who are the people involve in this situation?
some celebrities...involve in Male Prostitution?(if ever you know some.. Filipino Male Prostitute.?)
can you show me some pictures of them?

sir... I will wait for your response.
sir .. in advance. Thank You and God bless.

I hope you will help me.

Yours truly,
Replied on: 10:22am 01-19-2009
WOW, BIG subject.
hahaha, i soo agree!
i actually used to like tim but now... hmmm.....(thinking..thinking...!!)
by the way, i am soo loving your blog! thanks for all the info!
i'm just a little sad for all them GG members.
i mean, compared to the million other Filipinos, they're all so blessed and yet..look at them!

i wish you well brian!
Replied on: 10:36am 01-18-2009
Many people used to like Tim.
Yes they are blessed.
And they know it.
Hence their actions.

Hugz JK
neri me
hi bri, im neri i reli admire u 4 bein so brave & outspoken bout this issue. may u continue on revealing the truth bout those "idolized" but messy gucci gang. more more photos pls....
Replied on: 12:31am 01-18-2009
Will do!
how closely related is celine to the lopezes of abscbn and to oscar lopez? and um... where are tim's parents!?? aren't they in the least concerned with their kid??
Replied on: 10:23am 01-17-2009
Not sure about Oscar. That family is so huge and so messed up. Tim's parents? I always thought trolls gave birth to him. hahaha. Kidding.
Tims parents should be ashamed really.
It's all about DRUGS DRUGS DRUGS!!!!
And Tim is at the front of the line.
who's fashion man?
Replied on: 10:20am 01-17-2009
OMG. I would LOVE to print his name.
Hi Brian!

My name is Charlene, thank God not Celine but I'm Cacai to friends and fam. thanks for your wonderful blog, very interesting but it pains me to learn how 'Society Pips' can turn into monsters and just give raucous laughter to their evil deeds. My heart goes out to you and the horrible plight that you went through. Incidentally, 80's music called Karma Chamelion is playing over the radio.

You already know it Bri, no evil deed goes unpunished. They just have to wait for Karma to say, "Hey baby, it's pay back time!"

May you have the best of health always as you continue the battle against the Garci, er, Gucci Gang.
Replied on: 11:22am 01-16-2009
Incredibly sweet Cacai.
Really, thank you very much.

I love Culture Club!

Karma Karma Karma Karma Karma
Love B.
hello brian

hope that all the gucci gang should be charged with illegal drugs, not just dj and tim but all of them
Replied on: 1:05am 01-16-2009
I only care about the young people who look up to them.
They DESERVE better role models.
The GG are a bunch of lost sad people. They need drugs to numb their reality.DJ is free and having a ball.
Tim is not so free now.
hey brian. please post a clip of the upcoming good times show for all your overseas fans!

Replied on: 1:47pm 01-14-2009
perry chloride
I'm doing a coverage on the Ateneo Immersion Scandal on my blogsite.
the daily bulabog !!!

You can visit it if you are interested !!!
Replied on: 12:10pm 01-12-2009
GREAT. I will look now!!!
God Bless u
Replied on: 11:10pm 01-11-2009
SOOOO sweet.
Thank you Ras.
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